(Since 2020) Head of the department "Ecologie Evolutive et Comportementale" at
(2000-2001) Wellcome Trust fellowship in mathematical epidemiology, Edinburgh University, UK
| Walter A., Gandon S. & Lion S. (2024) Effect of unequal vaccination coverage and migration on long-term pathogen evolution in a metapopulation. Journal of evolutionary Biology. 37(2): 189-200.
| Benhamou W., Blanquart F., Choisy M., Berngruber T. W., Choquet R. & Gandon S. (2024) Evolution of Virulence in Emerging Epidemics: From Theory to Experimental Evolution and Back. Virus Evolution. veae069.
| Benhamou W., Lion S., Choquet R. & Gandon S. (2023) Phenotypic evolution of SARS-CoV-2: a statistical inference approach. Evolution. 77(10): 2213-2223.
| Gandon S. & Lion S. (2022) Targeted vaccination and the speed of SARS-CoV-2 adaptation. PNAS. 119(3): e2110666119.
| Lion S. & Gandon S. (2022) Evolution of class-structured populations in fluctuating environments. Evolution.
| Bruce J. B., Lion S., Buckling A., Westra E. & Gandon S. (2021) Regulation of prophage induction and lysogenization by phage communication systems. Current Biology. 31: 1-6.
| Carmona P. & Gandon S. (2020) Winter is coming: pathogen emergence in seasonal environments. PLoS Computational Biology. 16(7): e1007954.
| Chevallereau A., Rollie C., Watson B., Chyou T-yuan., Fradet O., McLeod I., Fineran P., Brown C., Gandon S. & Westra E. R. (2020) Targeting of temperate phages drives loss of type I crispr-cas systems. Nature. 578: 149-153.
| Chevallereau A., Meaden S., Fradet O., Landsberger M., Maestri A., Biswas A., Gandon S., van Houte S. & Westra E. R. (2020) Exploitation of the cooperative behaviors of anti-crispr phages. Cell Host and Microbe. 27(2): 157-159.
| Day T., Parsons T., Lambert A. & Gandon S. (2020) The Price equation and evolutionary epidemiology. Philosophical Transactions B. 375(1797): 20190357.
| Day T., Gandon S., Lion S. & Otto S. (2020) On the evolutionary epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2. Current Biology. 30(15): R849-R857.
| Mirrahimi S. & Gandon S. (2020) Evolution of specialization in heterogeneous environments: equilibrium between selection, mutation and migration. Genetics. 214: 479-491.
| Chabas H., Nicot A., Meaden S., Westra E., Tremblay D., Pradier L., Lion S., Moineau S. & Gandon S. (2019) Variability in the durability of CRISPR-Cas immunity. Philosophical Transactions B. 374: 20180097.
| Cornet S'ephane., Nicot A., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2019) Avian malaria alters the dynamics of blood feeding in culex pipiens mosquitoes. Malaria journal. 18(1): 82.
| Gandon S. (2019) Evolutionary epidemiology theory of vaccination. In: Pertussis: Epidemiology, Immunology, and Evolution. (Rohani P., Scarpino S. V., eds.) Oxford University Press, p. 133-143.
| Gandon S., Heitzmann L. & Sebbane F. (2019) To block or not to block: the adaptive manipulation of plague transmission. Evolution letters. 3(2): 152-161.
| Levin S., Gandon S. & West S. (2019) The social coevolution hypothesis for the origin of enzymatic cooperation. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
| Westra E. R., Van Houte S., Gandon S. & Whitaker R. (2019) The ecology and evolution of microbial crispr-cas adaptive immune systems. Philosophical Transactions B.
| Ansaldi M., Debarbieux L., Gandon S., Petit M-A., Tavares P. & Boulanger P. (2018) "French phage network" – third meeting report. Viruses. 10(3): 123.
| Böhme U., Otto T. D., Cotton J. A., Steinbiss S., Sanders M., Oyola S. O., Nicot A., Gandon S., Patra K. P., Herd C., Bushell E., Modrzynska K. K., Billker O., Vinetz J. M., Rivero A., Newbold C. I. & Berriman M. (2018) Complete avian malaria parasite genomes reveal features associated with lineage-specific evolution in birds and mammals. Genome Research. 28(4): 547-560.
| Chabas H., Lion S., Nicot A., Meaden S., van Houte S., Moineau S., Wahl L. M., Westra E. R. & Gandon S. (2018) Evolutionary emergence of infectious diseases in heterogeneous host populations. PLoS Biology. 16(9): e2006738.
| Gandon S. (2018) Evolution and manipulation of vector host choice. The American Naturalist.
| Landsberger M., Gandon S., Meaden S., Rollie C., Chevallereau A., Chabas H., Buckling A., Westra E. R. & van Houte S. (2018) Anti-crispr phages cooperate to overcome crispr-cas immunity. Cell. 174(4): 908-916.
| Parsons T. L., Lambert A., Day T. & Gandon S. (2018) Pathogen evolution in finite populations: slow and steady spreads the best. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 15(147): 135.
| Pigeault R., Caudron Q., Nicot A., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2018) Timing malaria transmission with mosquito fluctuations. Evolution Letters. 378-389.
| Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2018) Evolutionary ecology of avian malaria: past to present. Trends in Parasitology. 34: 712-726.
| Bourret V., Lyall J., Frost S. D. W., Teillaud A., Smith C. A., Leclaire S., Fu J., Gandon S., Guérin J-L. & Tiley L. S. (2017) Adaptation of avian influenza virus to a swine host. Virus evolution. 3(1): vex007.
| Gandon S. & Lion S. (2017) Ebola evolution during the 2013-2016 outbreak. Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology. 100019.
| Gandon S. & Mirrahimi S. (2017) A Hamilton–Jacobi method to describe the evolutionary equilibria in heterogeneous environments and with non-vanishing effects of mutations. Comptes Rendus Mathematique. 355(2): 155-160.
| Torres-Barceló C., Kaltz O., Froissart R., Gandon S., Ginet N. & Ansaldi M. (2017) "French phage network" – second meeting report. Viruses. 9(4): 87.
| Gandon S. (2016) Why be temperate: lessons from bacteriophage lambda. Trends in Microbiology. 24(5): 356-365.
| Gandon S., Day T., Metcalf C. J. E. & Grenfell B. (2016) Forecasting epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 31: 776-788.
| Lion S. & Gandon S. (2016) Spatial evolutionary epidemiology of spreading epidemics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283: 20161170.
| Pigeault R., Garnier R., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2016) Evolution of transgenerational immunity in invertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B.
| van Houte S., Ekroth A. K. E., Broniewski J. M., Chabas H., Ashby B., Bondy-Denomy J., Gandon S., Boots M., Paterson S., Buckling A. & Westra E. R. (2016) The diversity-generating benefits of a prokaryotic adaptive immune system. Nature. 532(7599): 385-388.
| Berngruber T. W., Lion S. & Gandon S. (2015) Spatial structure, transmission modes and the evolution of viral exploitation strategies. PLos Pathogens. 11(4): e1004810.
| Griette Q., Raoul G. & Gandon S. (2015) Virulence evolution at the front line of spreading epidemics. Evolution. 69(11): 2810-2819.
| Lion S. & Gandon S. (2015) Evolution of spatially structured host-parasite interactions. Journal of evolutionary biology. 28(1): 10-28.
| Park A. W., Haven J., Kaplan R. & Gandon S. (2015) Refugia and the evolutionary epidemiology of drug resistance. Biology letters. 11(11):
| Pigeault R., Vézilier J., Nicot A., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2015) Transgenerational effect of infection in plasmodium-infected mosquitoes. Biology Letters. 11: 20141025.
| Pigeault R., Vézilier J., Cornet S., Zélé F., Nicot A., Perret P., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2015) Avian malaria: a new lease of life for an old experimental model to study the evolutionary ecology of Plasmodium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 370(1675): 20140330.
| Pigeault R., Nicot R., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2015) Mosquito age and avian malaria infection. Malaria journal. 14: 383.
| Vale P. F., Lafforgue G., Gatchitch F., Gardan R., Moineau S. & Gandon S. (2015) Costs of CRISPR-Cas mediated resistance in Streptococcus thermophilus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 282(1812): 20151270.
| Vézilier J., Nicot A., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2015) Plasmodium infection brings forward mosquito oviposition. Biology Letters. 11(3): 20140840.
| Blanquart F. & Gandon S. (2014) On the evolution of migration in heterogeneous environments. Evolution. 68: 1617-1628.
| Cornet S., Nicot A., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2014) Evolution of plastic transmission strategies in avian malaria. PLoS Pathogens. 10(9): e1004308.
| Gandon S. & Vale P. F. (2014) The evolution of resistance against good and bad infections. Journal of evolutionary biology. 27: 303-3012.
| Garnier R., Gandon S., Harding K. C. & Boulinier T. (2014) Length of intervals between epidemics: evaluating the influence of maternal transfer of immunity. Ecology and Evolution.
| Zélé F., Vézilier J., L'Ambert G., Nicot A., Gandon S., Rivero A. & Duron O. (2014) Dynamics of prevalence and diversity of avian malaria infections in wild Culex pipiens mosquitoes: the effects of Wolbachia, filarial nematodes and insecticide resistance. Parasites and Vectors. 7(437):
| Berngruber T. W., Lion S. & Gandon S. (2013) Evolution of suicide as a defense strategy against pathogens in a spatially structured environment. Ecology Letters. 16: 446-453.
| Berngruber T. W., Froissart R., Choisy M. & Gandon S. (2013) Evolution of virulence in emerging epidemics. PLoS Pathogens. 9: e1003209.
| Blanquart F., Kaltz O., Nuismer S. L. & Gandon S. (2013) A practical guide to measuring local adaptation. Ecology Letters. 16: 1195-1205.
| Cornet S., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2013) Malaria infection increases bird attractiveness to uninfected mosquitoes. Ecology Letters. 16(3): 323-329.
| Cornet S., Nicot A., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2013) Both infected and uninfected mosquitoes are attracted toward malaria infected birds. Malaria journal. 12(179):
| Cornet S., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2013) Patterns of phenoloxidase activity in insecticide resistant and susceptible mosquitoes differ between laboratory-selected and wild-caught individuals. Parasites and Vectors. 6(315):
| Débarre F., Ronce O. & Gandon S. (2013) Quantifying the effects of migration and mutation on adaptation and demography in spatially heterogeneous environments. Journal of evolutionary biology. 26: 1185-1202.
| Garnier R., Boulinier T. & Gandon S. (2013) Evolution of the temporal persistence of immune protection. Biology Letters. 9:
| Garnier R., Gandon S., Chaval Y., Charbonnel N. & Boulinier T. (2013) Evidence of cross-transfer of maternal antibodies through allosuckling in a mammal: potential importance for behavioral ecology. Mammalian Biology. 78: 361-364.
| Lélu M., Langlais M., Poulle M-L., Gilot-Fromont E. & Gandon S. (2013) When should a trophically and vertically transmitted parasite manipulate its intermediate host? The case of Toxoplasma gondii. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
| Vitalis R., Rousset F., Kobayashi Y., Olivieri I. & Gandon S. (2013) The joint evolution of dispersal and dormancy in a metapopulation with local extinctions and kin competition. Evolution. 67: 1676-1691.
| Blanquart F., Gandon S. & Nuismer S. (2012) The effects of migration and drift on local adaptation to a heterogeneous environment. Journal of evolutionary biology. 15: 1351–1363.
| Blanquart F. & Gandon S. (2012) Time-shift experiments and patterns of adaptation across time and space. Ecology Letters.
| Day T. & Gandon S. (2012) Evolutionary epidemiology of multilocus drug resistance. Evolution. 66(5): 1582-1587.
| Débarre F., Lion S., van Baalen M. & Gandon S. (2012) Evolution of host life-history traits in a spatially structured host-parasite system. The American Naturalist. 179(1): 52-63.
| Gandon S., Hochberg M. E., Holt R. D. & Day T. (2012) What limits the evolutionary emergence of pathogens? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
| Garnier R., Boulinier T. & Gandon S. (2012) Coevolution between maternal transfer of immunity and other resistance strategies against pathogens. Evolution. 66(10): 3067-3078.
| Pascua L. L., Gandon S. & Buckling A. (2012) Abiotic heterogeneity drives parasite local adaptation in coevolving bacteria and phages. Journal of evolutionary biology. 25(1): 187-195.
| Vale P. F., Choisy M., Froissart R., Sanjuan R. & Gandon S. (2012) The distribution of mutational fitness effects of phage φx174 on different hosts. Evolution. 66(11): 3495-3507.
| Vézilier J., Nicot A., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2012) Plasmodium infection decreases fecundity and increases survival of mosquitoes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 279: 4033-4041.
| Vézilier J., Nicot A., de Lorgeril J., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2012) The impact of insecticide resistance onculex pipiens immunity. Evolutionary Applications. 6: 497–509.
| Abbot P., Abe J., Alcock J., Alizon S., Alpedrinha J. A. C., Andersson M., Andre J-B., van Baalen M., Balloux F., Balshine S., Barton N., Beukeboom L. W., Biernaskie J. M., Bilde T., Borgia G., Breed M., Brown S., Bshary R., Buckling A., Burley N. T., Burton-Chellew M. N., Cant M. A., Chapuisat M., Charnov E. L., Clutton-Brock T., Cockburn A., Cole B. J., Colegrave N., Cosmides L., Couzin I. D., Coyne J. A., Creel S., Crespi B., Curry R. L., Dall S. R. X., Day T., Dickinson J. L., Dugatkin L. A., El Mouden C., Emlen S. T., Evans J., Ferriere R., Field J., Foitzik S., Foster K., Foster W. A., Fox C. W., Gadau J., Gandon S., Gardner A., Gardner M. G., Getty T., Goodisman M. A. D., Grafen A., Grosberg R., Grozinger C. M., Gouyon P-H., Gwynne D., Harvey P. H., Hatchwell B. J., Heinze J., Helantera H., Helms K. R., Hill K., Jiricny N., Johnstone R. A., Kacelnik A., Kiers E. T., Kokko H., Komdeur J., Korb J., Kronauer D., Kummerli R., Lehmann L., Linksvayer T. A., Lion S., Lyon B., Marshall J. A. R., McElreath R., Michalakis Y., Michod R. E., Mock D., Monnin T., Montgomerie R., Moore A. J., Mueller U. G., Noe R., Okasha S., Pamilo P., Parker G. A., Pedersen J. S., Pen I., Pfennig D., Queller D. C., Rankin D. J., Reece S. E., Reeve H. K., Reuter M., Roberts G., Robson S. K. A., Roze D., Rousset F., Rueppell O., Sachs J. L., Santorelli L., Schmid-Hempel P., Schwarz M. P., Scott-Phillips T., Shellmann-Sherman J., Sherman P. W., Shuker D. M., Smith J., Spagna J. C., Strassmann B., Suarez A. V., Sundstrom L., Taborsky M., Taylor P., Thompson G., Tooby J., Tsutsui N. D., Tsuji K., Turillazzi S., Ubeda F., Vargo E. L., Voelkl B., Wenseleers T., West S. A., West-Eberhard M. J., Westneat D. F., Wiernasz D. C., Wild G., Wrangham R., Young A. J., Zeh D. W., Zeh J. A. & Zink A. (2011) Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature. 471(7339): E1-4.
| Blanquart F. & Gandon S. (2011) Evolution of migration in a periodically changing environment. The American Naturalist. 177(2): 188-201.
| Débarre F. & Gandon S. (2011) Evolution in heterogeneous environments: between soft and hard selection. The American Naturalist. 177(3): E84-97.
| Berngruber T. W., Weissing F. J. & Gandon S. (2010) Inhibition of superinfection and the evolution of viral latency. Journal of Virology. 84(19): 10200-10208.
| Débarre F. & Gandon S. (2010) Evolution of specialization in a spatially continuous environnement. Journal of evolutionary Biology. 23: 1090-1099.
| Lion S. & Gandon S. (2010) Life history, habitat saturation and the evolution of fecundity and survival altruism. Evolution. 64(6): 1594-606.
| Martin G. & Gandon S. (2010) Lethal mutagenesis and evolutionary epidemiology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 365: 1953-1963.
| Patot S., Martinez J., Allemand R., Gandon S., Varaldi J. & Fleury F. (2010) Prevalence of a virus inducing behavioural manipulation near species range border. Molecular Ecology. 19: 2995-3007.
| Rivero A., Vézilier J., Weill M., Read A. F. & Gandon S. (2010) Insecticide control of vector borne diseases: when is insecticide resistance a problem? PLoS Pathogens. 6: e1001000.
| Vézilier J., Nicot A., Gandon S. & Rivero A. (2010) Insecticide resistance and malaria transmission: infection rate and oocyst burden in culex pipiens mosquitoes infected with plasmodium relictum. Malaria journal. 9: 379.
| Débarre F., Lenormand T. & Gandon S. (2009) Evolutionary epidemiology of drug-resistance in space. PLoS Computational Biology. 5: e1000337. Journal du
| Gandon S. & Day T. (2009) Evolutionary epidemiology and the dynamics of adaptation. Evolution. 63: 826-838.
| Gandon S., Varaldi J., Fleury F. & Rivero A. (2009) Evolution and manipulation of parasitoid eggload. Evolution. 63: 2974-2984.
| Gandon S. & Nuismer S. (2009) Interactions between drift, gene flow, and selection mosaics drive parasite local adaptation. The American Naturalist. 173: 212-224.
| Lion S. & Gandon S. (2009) Habitat saturation and the spatial evolutionary ecology of altruism. Journal of evolutionary Biology. 22: 1487-1502.
| Varaldi J., Patot S., Nardin M. & Gandon S. (2009) A virus shaping reproductive strategy in a Drosophila Parasitoid. Advances in Parasitology. 70: 333-363.
| Débarre F. & Gandon S. (2008) Epidémiologie évolutive des maladies infectieuses. In: Introduction à l'Epidémiologie Intégrative des Maladies Infectieuses et Parasitaires. (Guégan J-F., Choisy M., eds.) De Boeck Université, Collection Masters, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, p. 347-374.
| Gandon S. & Day T. (2008) Evidences of parasite evolution after vaccination. Vaccine. 26: C4-C7.
| Gandon S., Buckling A., Decaestecker E. & Day T. (2008) Host-parasite coevolution and patterns of adaptation across time and space. Journal of evolutionary Biology. 21: 1861-1866.
| Mackinnon M. J., Gandon S. & Read A. (2008) Virulence evolution in response to vaccination: the case of malaria. Vaccine. 26: C42-C52.
| Nuismer S. L. & Gandon S. (2008) Moving beyond common garden and transplant designs: insight into the causes of local adaptation in species interactions. The American Naturalist. 171: 658-668.
| Day T. & Gandon S. (2007) Applying population-genetic models in theoretical evolutionary epidemiology. Ecology Letters. 10: 876-888.
| Gandon S. & Day T. (2007) The evolutionary epidemiology of vaccination. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 4: 803-817.
| Gandon S. & Otto S. (2007) The evolution of sex and recombination in response to abiotic or coevolutionary fluctuations in epistasis. Genetics. 175: 1835-1853.
| Poullain V., Gandon S., Brockhurst M., Buckling A. & Hochberg M. (2007) The evolution of specificity in evolving and coevolving antagonistic interactions between bacteria and phage. Evolution. 61: 1-11.
| André J. B. & Gandon S. (2006) Vaccination, within-host dynamics and virulence evolution. Evolution. 60: 13-23.
| Day T. & Gandon S. (2006) Insights from Price’s equation into evolutionary epidemiology. In: Disease evolution: models, concepts and data analyses. (Feng Z. D. . U., Levin S., eds.) American Mathematical Society, p. 23-43.
| Gandon S., Rivero A. & Varaldi J. (2006) Superparasitism evolution: adaptation or manipulation? The American Naturalist. 167: E1-E27.
| Varaldi J., Gandon S., Rivero A., Patot S. & Fleury F. (2006) A newly discovered virus manipulates superparasitism behaviour in a parasitoid wasp. In: Insect Symbiosis II. (Bourtzis K., Miller T. A., eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, p. 119-139.
| Ferguson H., Gandon S., Mackinnon M. J. & Read A. F. (2005) Malaria parasite virulence in mosquitoes. In: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes for Malaria Control. (Boete C., ed.) Landes Bioscience
| Gandon S. (2005) Parasitic manipulation: a theoretical framework may help. Behavioural Processes. 68: 247-248.
| Morgan A. D., Gandon S. & Buckling A. (2005) The effect of migration on local adaptation in a coevolving host-parasite system. Nature. 437: 253-256.
| Gandon S. (2004) Evolution of multihost parasites. Evolution. 58: 455-469.
| Read A. F., Gandon S., Nee S. & Mackinnon M. J. (2004) The evolution of pathogen virulence in response to animal and public health interventions. In: Evolutionary Aspects of Infectious Diseases. (Dronamraj K., ed.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p. 265-292.
| Gandon S. & Day T. (2003) A reply to Ebert & Bull (2003): Understanding and managing pathogen evolution: a way forward. Trends in Microbiology. 11: 206-207.
| Gandon S., Mackinnon M. J., Nee S. & Read A. F. (2003) Imperfect vaccination: some epidemiological and evolutionary consequences. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 270: 1129-1136.
| Gandon S. (2002) Local adaptation and the geometry of host-parasite coevolution. Ecology Letters. 5: 246-256.
| Gandon S., Mackinnon M. J., Nee S. & Read A. F. (2002) Antitoxin vaccines and pathogen virulence - reply. Nature. 417: 610.
| Gandon S., Agnew P. & and Michalakis Y. (2002) Coevolution between parasite virulence and host life-history traits. The American Naturalist. 160: 374-388.
| Gandon S., van Baalen M. & Jansen V. A. A. (2002) The evolution of parasite virulence, superinfection, and host resistance. The American Naturalist. 159: 658-669.
| Gandon S. & Michalakis Y. (2002) Local adaptation, evolutionary potential and host-parasite coevolution: interactions between migration, mutation, population size and generation time. Journal of evolutionary Biology. 15: 451-462.
| Gandon S. & Michalakis Y. (2002) Multiple infection and its consequences for virulence management. In: Virulence management: the adaptive dynamics of pathogen-host interactions. (Dieckmann U., Metz J. A. J., Sabelis M. W., Sigmund K., eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
| Rousset F. & Gandon S. (2002) Evolution of the distribution of dispersal distance under distance-dependent cost of dispersal. Journal of evolutionary Biology. 15: 515-523.
| Gandon S., Mackinnon M. J., Nee S. & Read A. F. (2001) Imperfect vaccines and the evolution of pathogen virulence. Nature. 414: 751-756.
| Gandon S., Jansen V. A. A. & van Baalen M. (2001) Host life history and the evolution of parasite virulence. Evolution. 55: 1056-1062.
| Gandon S. & Michalakis Y. (2001) Multiple causes of the evolution of dispersal. In: Causes, consequences and mechanisms of dispersal at the individual, population and community level. (Clobert J., Nichols J. D., Danchin E., Dhondt A., eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 155-167.
| Gandon S. & Michalakis Y. (2000) Evolution of parasite virulence against qualitative or quantitative form of resistance. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 267: 985-990.
| Ronce O., Gandon S. & Rousset F. (2000) Kin selection and natal dispersal in age-structured populations. Theoretical Population Biology. 58: 143-159.
| Gandon S. (1999) Kin competition, the cost of inbreeding and the evolution of dispersal. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 200: 345-364.
| Gandon S. & Michalakis Y. (1999) The evolution of dispersal in a metapopulation with extinction and kin competition. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 199: 275-290.
| Gandon S. & Rousset F. (1999) The evolution of stepping stone dispersal rates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 266: 2507-2513.
| Kaltz O., Gandon S., Michalakis Y. & Shykoff J. (1999) Local maladaptation in the anther-smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum to its host plant Silene latifolia: evidence from a cross-inoculation experiment. Evolution. 53: 395-407.
| Gandon S. (1998) The curse of the pharaoh hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 265: 1545-1552.
| Gandon S., Ebert D., Olivieri I. & Michalakis Y. (1998) Differential adaptation in spatially heterogeneous environments and host-parasite coevolution. In: Genetic Structure and Local adaptation in natural insect populations. (Mopper S., Strauss S., eds.) Chapman and Hall, New York, NJ, USA, p. 325-340.
| Gandon S. & Van Zandt P. A. (1998) Local adaptation and host-parasite interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 13: 214-216.
| Godelle B., Austerlitz F., Brachet S., Colas B., Cuguen J., Gandon S., Gouyon P-H., Lefranc M., Olivieri I., Reboud X. & Vitalis R. (1998) Système génétique, polymorphisme neutre et sélectionné : implications en biologie de la conservation. Genetics Selection Evolution. 30: S15-S28.
| Gandon S., Capowiez Y., Dubois Y., Michalakis Y. & Olivieri I. (1996) Local adaptation and gene-for-gene coevolution in a metapopulation model. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 263: 1003-1009.
| Gandon S., Ebert D. & Michalakis Y. (1996) Metapopulations and local adaptation in host-parasite interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 11: 431.